Saturday, April 27, 2013

Wine Festival: Blacksburg Fork and Cork

The first winery we visited was Mountain Rose Vineyards from Wise, Virginia. With our young palattes, we chose to sample the sweet wines offered. This was probably my favorite winery showcased at Fork and Cork, as all the wines tasted like liquid candy. 
The two particular wines that caught my attention at Mountain Rose were Pardee Red and Autumn Gold

Pardee Red
Chancellor and Chambourcin
Review Provided by Mountain Rose Vineyards: Delicious red sipping with nice cherry and light grape flavors. It's smooth from the beginning to end with great body and mouth feel. Pair with honey ham and pasta. Great for Mulling and Sangria. Sweet Wine.
My Review: We all know that for the most part, wines are made from grapes. But this wine really smelled and tasted like grapes, particularly white grapes. It's very sweet, if I remember it was the second to last before the dessert wine. It was even sweeter than grape flavored candy it seemed.

Autumn Gold
Vidal Blanc
Review Provided by Mountain Rose Vineyards: Our late harvest or ice-wine style wine has a beautiful rich straw color made from Vidal Blanc grapes. The apricot and honey aroma is accented by a smooth lychee taste, lingering hints of honey and balanced acidity.
My Review: The woman pouring the wine said this was a wine that should be drank in moderation because of how sweet it is. Indeed, she was right. This wine was very, very sweet, with hints of thick honey and syrup, it seemed more like something I should be dumping on my pancakes in the morning then a wine.

Our next stop was at Lexington Valley Vineyards, located in the Shenandoah Valley. Maybe it was because my palate had just been overloaded with sweet, liquid sugar, but these wines certainly seemed drier than what I had just had at Mountain Rose Vineyards. 

Vignoles Vignoles
Review Provided by Lexington Valley Vineyard: An excellent crisp, dry white wine with aromas and flavors of peaches and pears. Enjoy with cheese, appetizers, pasta, fish and chicken. Also great with Chinese dishes. 
My Review: I try to love everything Virginia, I really do. Virginia sports, Virginia politics, Virginia wine, I try to love it all. But this wine just didn't strike my fancy. It was very dry and just didn't strike me as anything special. 

2010 Norton
Review Provided by Lexington Valley Vineyard: Tired of wimpy red wines? This original Virginia varietal has a great taste with black cherry flavors and complimentary tannins for a truly satisfying glass of real wine. Try Norton with chocolate, wow! Also pairs with a juicy steak, lamb, game meats and sharp cheddar.
My Review: My palate is not very sophisticated yet and had just been bombarded with liquid sugar, but I was not a fan of this wine. It was very dry and very spicy, too much so for my taste. It took everything in me just to finish the tasting of this wine. 

Next were the wines offered by Peaks of Otter Winery. The line was really long, and took a really long time as well. Best known for their "Chili Dawg" wine, the pourers insisted everyone who tasted together take the Chili Dawg together as a shot with a chaser, putting to life the philosophy that nothing brings people together like alcohol. They were very much about bringing the crowd together at Peaks of Otter.

Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry, Apple
Review Provided by Peaks of Otter: Light Apple, Strawberry Wine; Smooth, Crisp, Refreshing
My Review: This was my favorite wine I tried in the entire festival. It was very sweet and very light on the palate when I tasted it. I love strawberry and apple wines, and the combination of these fruits in a wine was perfect. 

Blueberry Muffin
Review Provided by Peaks of Otter: Light Apple, Blueberry Wine
My Review: A perfect breakfast wine, as the pourer described it. I could imagine drinking this wine in the morning with pancakes. It was very soft on the palate, and very fruity, but not so sweet that it would clash with morning pancakes. 

Pure Passion
Review Provided by Peaks of Otter: Light Apple, Passion Fruit Wine
My Review: When the pourer said this was their passionfruit wine, I knew right away that I would love it. And I was right. When it hit my mid-palate, it tasted of pineapple. It was sweet at first, and then soured out and tasted more of grapefruit. This was definitely one of my favorite wines of the day. 

The festival was called Fork and Cork for a reason. It was a wine and food festival. They had cooking demonstrations scattered all throughout the festival. One that we watched and sampled  was one on Asian Cabbage Salad. Whenever I try Asian food, I always like it more then I think I will. This would definitely go good with a drier wine better than with any of the sweet wines I tasted. 

At Peaks of Otter winery, the pourers offered cheese to pair with one of their spicier, chili wines. Festival goers were instructed to taste the piece of cheddar cheese and then knock back the "Kiss the Devil" Chili Pepper wine as if we were taking a shot. When the two mixed together, they tasted just like pepper jack cheese. It was remarkable.

All in all, Fork and Cork was a fabulous time. Drank lots of great wine, ate some great local food, and met some fabulous Blacksburgians. I love supporting local businesses and hanging out with the local townsfolk, so festivals like this just make me excited about living in such a great town!

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